Вы новичок в CAcert?

CAcert.org is a community-driven Certificate Authority that issues certificates to the public at large for free.

CAcert's goal is to promote awareness and education on computer security through the use of encryption, specifically by providing cryptographic certificates. These certificates can be used to digitally sign and encrypt email, authenticate and authorize users connecting to websites and secure data transmission over the internet. Any application that supports the Secure Socket Layer Protocol (SSL or TLS) can make use of certificates signed by CAcert, as can any application that uses X.509 certificates, e.g. for encryption or code signing and document signatures.

If you want to have free certificates issued to you, join the CAcert Community .

Если вы хотите использовать сертификаты, выпущенные CAcert, прочтите CAcert Root Distribution License .This license applies to using the CAcert root keys .

Последние известия

«CAcert Inc» is supporting the Community for over 20 years

Twenty-one years ago today, CAcert Inc was founded as the organisation behind the CAcert community. However, the rather crazy story of CAcert began the year before: Australian Duane Groth founded the CAcert community in 2002 with the aim to offer digital certificates for everyone to form such a confidence and safety consciousness in and around […]

Gatherings for noblemen and squires; conferences for you

Once upon a time, motivated volunteers set out into the wide world and met many friends along the way. When the royal banner flew at a castle, they would meet there and hack in the garden or dig secret, safe passages in the depths of the cellar so that they could walk on a network […]

Software Team extended

They repair our systems, expand them and adapt them to new requirements. Put new functions through their paces. They deal with errors and find innovative and pragmatic solutions. They also plan, develop and programme new pillars for CAcert. We are talking about a dedicated small group of volunteers known as “Software Team”. When you talk […]

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Для членов сообщества CAcert

Have you passed the CAcert Assurer Challenge yet?

Вы уже прочитали Соглашение Сообщества CAcert?

For general documentation and help, please visit the CAcert Wiki Documentation site .For specific policies, see the CAcert Approved Policies page.

Вы хотите помочь CAcert?

We are facing an uphill battle to fund this service and could do with your help?
If you can, please donate.
AU$50 per year for this button
or a one off donation for this button whatever you can afford to help

If you are located in Australia, use bank transfer instead.

CAcert bank account details:

  • Account Name: CAcert Inc
  • BSB: 032073
  • Account No.: 180264

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